

divendres, 3 de maig del 2013


In this post I’m talking about music. Music is something you can listen to and something you can feel. It’s funny to know that when you feel good you enjoy the music, and when you feel bad or sad, you try to understand the lyrics of the song.
There are a lot of genres: classic, jazz, R&B, rap, hip-hop, grunge, metallic, house, techno, pop, rock,… My favorite genre of music is house: It’s a popular nowadays genre and you can hear it above all in discos.
A lot of people say that they need music in their life; I’m one of them. Every day they have to listen to music to feel better because you can enjoy music and music can relax or concentrate you too.
I like listening to music in the morning when I get up and in the car when I go to school. In the car I like listening to dance music in the radio.

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