

diumenge, 12 de maig del 2013


dialogue. interview to Tim Cook.

-Good morning Tim,

-Good morning Albert

-As you know , this is an interview to know more about your situation and how are you working on ,probably,on the most important enterprise actually.
shall we begin sir?

-Okey Albert, I'm ready for you! jajaj
-Firstly, how do you feel actually, in your new or recent job title?
- honestly, very well. It was a pity the loss of Steve, he had everything very well controlled and was the genius of Apple, but I followed him closely and hope to live up.
-I'm sure that you will. My next question is referring to your personal: it is a competent personal?

-It is a very very competent personal. Employees receive a "class" in which is taught to deal with the client, so the answer is that they are very competent.

-And finally Tim, have you got new projects for the following years? 

-yes, my team and I have decided to change the iOS system and establish a new aesthetic concept, we also want to introduce new elements besides phones, tablets and computers, how the iWatch, or iGlasses innovative, it will be a revolution.

-Oh, fantastic! so thank you very much Tim, and we hope that all your new toys will be the revolution!

-Your welcome, have a nice day! 


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