

dilluns, 11 de març del 2013

Miki's description

Miky, my biggest friend ,is 17 . He is brown-eyed, broad-shouldered and the
tallesst guy in my class. He has brown hair and , huge feet and the biggest mouth that I have ever seen (like annoying orange's mouth).
Miky has two special things that carecterize him. The first is his amazing acute voice that 
scaree you because generally ,he's very big  and the voice is a surprise in him.
The other fact that carecterizes him is that Miky is the cheerfulest person in our higj-school
and perhaps in Castelló d'Empúries. He is always smiling and saying silly things that make us happy
in a cloudy day, although sometimes it's too much.
He likes riding on his bike , playing with his five compuers, watching TV and sleeping
for 12 hours.
I admire him because he is always happy, and because he makes happy people that envolves him

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