

dimarts, 30 d’abril del 2013

Formal letter

C/muntanyola 329 (Pedralbes)                                      C/ Joan Pujol 23 (Figueres)

Dear  Mr Rajoy:

I write this letter to inform you of our situation.
I am Albert Lleó, I am 17 years old and I am so annoyed and disgusted with your political campaign and how you and your team are bringing our country to disaster and poverty (like Grace). 
I know that Spain is not at its best moment but when we are in this kind of situations, we have to fight together and be and be one to grow up, because it's the only way to success with the crisis.
In fact,  22.000.000 € of the budget (one example) is not the correct way to success with the Spanish problem. 
The way to overcome the crisis is making happy people who can help Spain to grow up. It involves a better Spain.
I think that I'm representing everyone that is suffering all the problems related to the crisis, and we can't stay more time in this situation. It has to stop Mr Rajoy.
Here in Catalonia, all the prices are going up, and will do it until all of you stop being corrupt.

yours sincerely, Albert Lleó          Albert Lleó                    signature: X

dilluns, 29 d’abril del 2013

Everything you donwnload online should have a tax

one of the most problematic topics currently is that all products that you download online should have a tax or not.

There are a lot of people who won't pay for songs, games , new software... But I ask them: If you, one day, make a song, a program , a game(...) and you put it on internet to earn some money, and people can download it free, will you be fine?

On the one hand don't agree at all to pay for everything on internet and pay the price putted by the creator because there are full of products whose price is higher than the real price of it.

But on the other hand, I accept that good or nice jobs will have to be paid, always with a price imputed by a biased judge, according to the work done.

In fact, there are a lot of products that aren't enough good but we have to pay too much for them, and we have another kind of products that are quite perfect  we can get it free.

So, in conclusion, I prefer pay for the good ones and jailbreak the bad ones, if I
need them.